Carers Awards 2023

We are pleased to announce that we are holding our Carers Awards 2023 in conjunction with the Carers Alliance at the Cornbow Hall, Halesowen on the 8th June 2023.

Closing date for nominations will be on the 31st March.

If you would like to nominate someone for the categories below, please click on the link attached, or email to receive a paper copy.

Carers awards categories


Stepping Up (in the community) Award – Carers community organisation recognition

Recognition for a charity or community group and the support that they provide carers throughout the year.

Exceptional Carer Award – Carer who faced challenges or has cared for a long time

A carer who has faced big challenges themselves but has continued to care, someone who has been caring for a long time, someone who has chosen to care when they didn’t need to for example adopted someone with disabilities.

Carers Service Award For Adult Services – professional service who has supported.

A professional service who has been of great service to carers and the ones that they care for, maybe going above and beyond. For example physio service, community nurses, a particular ward at the hospital, a caring service/sit in service.

Carers Service Award For Children Services – professional service who has supported.

A professional service who has been of great service to carers and the ones that they care for, maybe going above and beyond. For example physio service, community nurses, a particular ward at the hospital, a caring service/sit in service.

Carer awareness Award – Individual or organisation who fundraises to support carers

Someone, individual or business who has gone all out to fundraise and raise awareness for carers who are not carers themselves.

Carer Above and Beyond Award - Carer who volunteers

Someone who spends their spare time volunteering to support carers or fundraises to support carers despite being a carer themselves.

Professional Above and Beyond Award – Individual professional

Someone who in their professional role has gone above and beyond their role to help and support a carer and those that they care for.

Young Carer Award

Someone who is under the age of 18 who carers for their loved ones including siblings.

General Practitioner Award

Award for a GP practice that has made a concerted effort to support carers within their practice.

Mayors Carer Recognition Award – Making an impact on the lives of carers

This could be an individual person, a community organisation, a business. Maybe an employer who makes adjustments to accommodate a carer. A neighbour who sits in so that someone can have time out to meet a friend for coffee or go shopping.


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